Letter to the Editor

Writer urges informed decision making in upcoming elections


To The Editor:

 As a proud resident of St. Johns County for the past 30 years, I have had the privilege of witnessing the growth and evolution that has shaped our beloved community. Through the highs and lows, I have seen firsthand the positive changes that have enriched our lives and the challenges that have tested our strength. As we approach the upcoming elections, it is crucial that we come together as a community, informed, engaged and united in our commitment to shaping the future of St. Johns County.

One issue that weighs heavily on my heart during election season is the influx of negative mailers that flood our mailboxes and inboxes. These glossy, expensive pieces are meticulously designed to manipulate our emotions with lies and misinformation. It is essential that we approach these mailers with a critical eye, questioning their credibility and unraveling the motives behind the distorted messages they convey. By staying vigilant and wary of these deceptive tactics, we can shield ourselves from falling prey to divisive influences.

Rather than succumbing to the negativity and discord sown by these mailers, let us channel our energies into thorough research, active participation in candidate forums and meetings and gaining a deep understanding of the critical issues at hand. By fostering a community grounded in respect and civility, we can make informed decisions and throw our support behind candidates who exhibit a genuine dedication to serving the best interests of St. Johns County. 

It is imperative that we do not allow ourselves to be swayed or misled by external forces seeking to undermine our unity and sow confusion. Instead, let us arm ourselves with knowledge, critical thinking and a shared vision for a brighter tomorrow for our community. Through collaboration and solidarity in the face of adversity, we can drive positive change and ensure that St. Johns County continues to thrive and prosper for generations to come. 

Having witnessed the evolution of our community over the years, I have grown to appreciate the tireless efforts and commitment of our elected officials as they navigate the intricate landscape of governance while upholding the core values that define St. Johns County. It is easy to criticize these public servants, especially amidst the fervor of an election campaign characterized by heightened tensions and lofty promises. However, it is crucial that we approach these discussions with empathy, recognizing that our elected officials are individuals deeply rooted in our community, sharing our dreams and aspirations.

As we prepare to exercise our voting rights in the upcoming elections, I implore my fellow residents to engage in a thoughtful and deliberate manner. Let us delve into the heart of the issues, seek out reliable information and actively participate in the democratic process. While it may be tempting for new candidates to make grandiose pledges and launch attacks on incumbents, it is incumbent upon us as voters to look beyond the superficial rhetoric and evaluate the practical solutions being put forth.

 In conclusion, let us bear in mind that the future of St. Johns County rests in our hands. By approaching the electoral process with an open mind, and a spirit of collaboration, we can collectively shape a brighter tomorrow for our community. Together, let us stand resolute against division and discord, and strive towards a shared vision of prosperity, and unity for this county we proudly call home.

Martha Gleason