Letter to the Editor

Dispelling myths in sheriff’s race


To The Editor:

When I heard that Rob Harwick was running for re-election as sheriff of St. Johns County, my first thought was, “No one would be foolish enough to run against him.” Actually, that was my second thought, my first being, “Thank goodness.” I have worked with the sheriff extensively for our community’s safety and have spent over 40 hours with the sheriff’s office as a participant in the SJC Citizen Law Enforcement Academy (CLEA). I could not imagine anyone taking issue with his work or his record.

But someone has launched an opposition, and the opposition appears to be based on misinformation. Ostensibly, his opponent thinks he is spending too much money, and the extra budget dollars have led to an increase in crime since Hardwick became sheriff. This intentional misinformation is not fair to Hardwick or to the citizens he has worked hard to protect. We need Rob Hardwick as our sheriff.

The YouTube video sponsored by his opponent cites three expenses that they represent as unnecessary — a $36 million hike in the sheriff’s budget over the past four years, remodeling of his office and the purchase of a third helicopter with $2.9 million in customization.

Apparently, the opponent’s thinking is that these additional budget items would be fine if crime were going down. But his video says violent crime is up 51%.

Let’s start with crime.

A public records request yielded the following information: In 2020, there were 293 violent crimes (defined as murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault). In 2023, violent crimes were down 10.6% at 262. Up 51% — I don’t think so.

What about expenses?

After 13 weeks in the CLEA program, we saw over and over how carefully deputies and other personnel work to preserve the longevity of equipment and technology. We learned that one of the two explosive ordinance robots was purchased shortly after 9-11 and has been lovingly maintained for 23 years.

The “third” helicopter specified in the YouTube video was brought in to replace the Vietnam-era chopper because the manufacturer no longer supplied parts. So rather than a third, there will still be two helicopters when the oldest is retired. Misinformation indeed.

The $37 million increase in the SJSO budget under Hardwick’s watch? Thirty million of that went to law enforcement, of which approximately 80% of the budget is comprised of salaries and benefits for sheriff’s department employees.

Hardwick has stood before the County Commissioners each year to advocate and ask for competitive wages for his staff. In 2020, deputies were making $42,000 a year. Today, they make close to $60,000. Other personnel such as dispatchers were making around $30,000 a year and are now making $50,000. Between the recognition of the intensity of their jobs through a substantial raise in pay, along with a focus on taking care of people and recruiting and retaining the best, the sheriff’s office is at nearly full staff for the first time in history.

And the office re-models? Really? I’m not even going to bother with that.

It seems like misinformation is in the air these days, and that is unfortunate. 

Carol Anderson

St. Augustine